External Comptroller
At GPC Consultores we have a range of services to improve the management of your company's resources, in terms of financial and tax accounting. As a company, there are different obligations that must be met, such as declarations with the Treasury, tax reviews, tax withholdings, among others.
External Comptroller
The External Comptroller is a tool that seeks to favor any type of company; in the most complex tasks of a large corporation to new entrepreneurs who want to learn how to manage their business, through the establishment of different processes that assist in decision-making by the management of the company.
We attend to your needs by analyzing the financial and corporate structure of the company, as well as the operation of your company, developing plans and strategies to improve the organization of your resources and thus, you can achieve the main objectives of your business.
At GPC Consultores we handle the best accounting systems and services to meet your expectations and you can rest easy. Leave the accounting operations to the experts.

Accounting for Business
Managing the expenses and income of your company is of the utmost importance, since you must keep track of the entry and exit of money, to understand what benefits or losses you are having and to be able to evaluate the economic status of your company in order to improve it. We know that keeping track of all movements made by your company can be time consuming or annoying, therefore, at GPC Consultores we have the solution! With our team of accounting consultants you will no longer have to worry, we offer you different services for the registration of economic operations carried out by your company.
Our goal is to guide you to make the best decisions for your business.
Registry of Economic Operations (National and international standards)
We take care of recording all economic operations arising from the activities of your company, complying with the applicable regulations depending on the business of the same.
Financial analysis
We carry out an analysis of your accounting with detailed information to explain the current state of your company, and from that, you can make the best decisions and achieve your short and long-term objectives.

Opening of New Companies and Establishment of New Businesses
We advise you on the opening of companies based on their activities, objectives and investment scheme, in this way you can have greater control of your company.
Electronic Accounting in Tax Matters
We keep your accounting complying with tax requirements to optimize the validation processes and the generation of digital documents for the SAT.
Design and Implementation of Resource Control Systems
We develop an organizational plan on your accounting, so you can safeguard your assets and reduce the risks that may exist.
Business diagnosis Underway
We prepare a timely analysis on the current position of your company; what stage you are in and how you can improve.
DUE Diligence
We measure financial opportunities and risks, analyzing the viability of a company so that everything is in order and it is a beneficial negotiation.